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Flying Star System

Your website is well designed, interesting and informative. I was wondering whether you could answer the following:
Question 1. I was told that the Flying Star system is superior to the East/West or 8 houses system. Is this true? Why is this so?

Thank you for you words of encouragements.

Brief Introduction to the Flying Star Theory

1. Flying Star is also known by the following names, fei xing, xuan kong fei xing.

2. Flying Star takes into account the movement of two stars and the base star which is constantly flying around, therefore, every house and the time it was built will give you a different chart.

3. What is the 20 year Flying Star used for?

a. To find the Feng Shui of your House or Office.

On the other hand, the Eight House Theory's is used to find a house that suits us.

Even if the house may suit a person in terms of the Eight House Theory, but the House itself may have some conflicts in the two stars, creating various health and prosperity problem. For example, if you are always falling sick, you might like to check the Flying Star of the house you are staying, it may reveal to you that the two stars may be causing your sickness.

Let me elaborate further: Under Traditional Feng Shui practise has its own use and when you put them all together, one will get a clearer picture of ourselves.

For example, let me share with you what a Professional Feng Shui Master does (this varies with their experience) but the most `powerful' steps used to analyse for a person and his home are as follows:-

1. A Feng Shui Master will first establish the homeowner's `true element and it's strength' using the Pillars of Destiny.

For example, if the homeowner's element is `strong metal' and the house is also a metal house (after determining the compass point) a Feng Shui Master will advise you on what to do.

Subsequently, other members of the family's Pillars of Destiny are also analysed.

2. Next, you should also know which house is most suitable for you using the Eight House Theory.

Later on, you can then use the Eight house template to superimpose on your home's layout. Each member of the family does the same.

Lots of information on how to do assessment etc.. on the Eight House Theory can be found on

3. Next, it is advisable to do a Feng Shui using the Flying Star theory to analyse the `fortune' of the house.

Lastly, depending on how good the Feng Shui Master is, he will be able to do a Feng Shui audit accurately by looking at :

1. Pillars of destiny (for the homeowner and his family members) to determine there `true elements and it's strength.

2. Anaylse the house using the flying star theory and also look at the suitability of the house (Eight house theory).

Therefore, if you follow the above steps, each Feng Shui theory has it's specific use not just simply that one is a compass school and the other on Destiny etc.

I hope by now, you will now begin to understand better, that each Feng Shui principles can be applied for a specific purpose. They do not contradict each other nor `compete' with each other but rather each Feng Shui tool are `building blocks' when combined together are truly powerful tools . if used correctly will enhance.

The more you can combine all these theories together, you will get a better and clearer picture of yourself in-relation to your family members and your home.

The ultimate aim is to:-

1. Encourage beneficial chi to our life and home.

2. if required, help to `fix' adverse `sha' or poison arrows.

In addition to this, one should also not forget to include the use of theories under the Shapes and Form School. Much of the theories can also be found on

Question 2. I am actually keen to learn about the Flying Star system. Do you offer any sort of online or correspondence courses?

At the moment, we will first be launching a Feng Shui Appreciation course in two months time. This course will focus on like the title mentions FS appreciation but would be the first step in taking up more advanced FS courses like the Flying Star which we will be launching later in the year. This first course promises to give insight to a greater understanding of traditional Feng Shui practises, the correct tools to use, what is and what is not Feng Shui and much more.

Question 3. In drawing up a natal chart of a house, should it be based on the facing sitting direction of the house? Some fengshui writers seem to suggest that it should be based on the location of the main door.

Under Traditional Feng Shui and those used by Feng Shui Masters, you should stand at the `center' of the house and from here determine the exact location of the main door. To help you, you can visit this site: ../fs/house1.htm

Question 4. I was told that an age 7 house (i.e. built from 1984 - 2003) which faces / sit on NW and SE is no good. Why is this so?

Frankly, I have not really take a closer look at this two particular directions. It may or may not be true. The reason is because under the Flying Star method, there is a `choice' of 3 NW directions and 3 SE directions for the main entrance door position and the results may vary.

Question 5. I am confused as to how to interpret the domination cycle. My initial understanding of the Domination Cycle is that the dominating element will "destroy" the other. E.g. Wood draws nutrients from earth therefore 'destroying' it. However, one fengshui writer remarked that this is not the case - instead, a 'wood' star will stirr up and 'fight' with the 'earth' star. Can you clarify on this?

The 5 elements concept is not that difficult but it is very difficult without the help of computers to analyse all 8 elements of a person to come up with a `main element'. This is the traditional method of finding out our Pillars of Destiny. Not only must you be able to derive the main element, you also need to know it's strength. That is why we come up with a computerised program to calculate this. The software spares users the tedious task of calculating the main element and time.

Here is an example why sometimes one Feng Shui writer will say one element can destroy the other but another moment, it will stirr up and `fight' the element. This has to do with the " strength " of the element in question:-

For example:-

If you are a Strong Metal, then any additional metal would not be beneficial to you. This is because in Feng Shui what is most important is the Balance of Element. Strong Element is good as it means that you are able to take control of your wealth, life etc. However, when you are Strong you need some controlling elements to control or neutralize the excessive Metal in you.

Under the Five Element Cures, the Elements that can control Metal are Fire and Wood. Fire directly destroy Metal, or Wood can destroy Earth which helps grow your Metal.

In terms of the overall house, in this example, a Metal house is suitable to the Element. The more important aspect of the house which affects his Element.

Cecil Lee
Center for Feng Shui Research
March 1999



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